I have received quite a few questions about my regimen thus far with my new set of Traditional Locs, so I made a video to show you exactly what I'm using and how I use them on my locs.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
My Locs Are Born: Est. 12/12/12
I started my locs today using the Backcombing method I shared with you a few weeks ago [HERE]. I am very happy with the way my locs came out using this method mixed with Palm-Rolling! The instant "loc'd look" definitely is what I was going for instead of having the look of comb coils or two-strand twists.
Check out my first video in my "Traditional Locs Vlog" series for more details and pictures of the establishment, loc count, and products I used...
Luv Your Mane Event in NYC
When I saw Taren Guy post that she was going to be hosting a natural hair event in NYC, I knew it was going to be big and that I had to go! Luckily my sis Alex loves New York and agreed to join me on the adventure.
Upon getting to NYC, we met up with another Naturalista and headed out to Hair Rules for the event. When we got there, the line to get in was literally around several blocks and it was freezing cold out. We barely made it into the event and when we did get in, like I expected, it was packed!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Taking Out My Sisterlocks
I know I said I was going to keep my "natural headband" even through my traditional locs journey, but I couldn't deal with them any longer. At first, they were really cool because of the Loc Wrap [HERE] and, admittedly, I wasn't totally ready to let them go. But as the weeks progressed I knew this day would come...So this morning, the day before my Traditional Loc journey, I took out my last two Sisterlocks.
Monday, December 10, 2012
[Product Review] Chunky Twist Out with Liquid Pomade
You saw in the Carol's Daughter Holiday Mixer Recap [HERE] that I picked up some of the "Hair Balm: Liquid Pomade" and was anxious to try a Twist-Out with it.
After the event, I immediately went home and did a few twists on my old Wash-N-Go with the Hair Balm....
[Recap] Holiday Mixer at Carol's Daughter
Last night Jess, Crystal and I went out to Virginia for the Holiday Mixer at Carol's Daughter. The event was put together by Marques Davis Productions and included fashion, beauty, and hair care information and giveaways.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Hair Diary: Elegant Gala Hairstyles
TB and I were invited to a Holiday Gala this weekend and I immediately thought..."What am I going to do with my hair"? Honestly, I had a moment of panic thinking just wearing my TWA wouldn't be fancy enough... How silly of me right? Luckily, I was running a little behind and just decided to do a Wash-N-Go.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
In the Stylist's Chair: CURLS Curl Control Paste
Since I will be starting my locs in a few days, I still want to share loose natural hair products with you so I'm launching a new series called "In the Stylist's Chair". In this new series, I will feature styles I create and/or products that I have discovered and I'll share the results of their styling capabilities.
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Marley Twists on Amma's Natural Hair |
Today, I had the opportunity to install Marley Twists on a fellow Naturalista in the DMV area, Amma. She has a beautiful head of thick tightly-coiled hair and it was perfect for trying the CURLS Control Paste.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Would You Get Loc Extensions?
With less than a week until I start my Traditional Locs, I thought Loc Extenstions would it'd be a good topic to discuss. Check out the latest video in the NuGrowth Chat series and leave your comments, thoughts, opinions, or experience on the video [HERE].
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Life As a Hair Stylist Who Cares
As many of you know (or may not know), I quit my corporate job back in July and since then I have started an apprenticeship to obtain my Cosmetology License while also working as a Natural Hair Stylist & Loctician. So far, my experience has been amazing, beyond amazing honestly! I have been able to connect with so many beautiful women and even a few readers of my blog, which has been really cool to say the least!
Even though I am in the early stages of my career in Cosmetology, I see the need to reconnect the Salon/Hair Stylist to women with Natural Hair. I've heard so many women exclaim about bad experiences within a Salon and encountering Stylist that don't know how to or, dare I say, care to take of natural hair. I think that is ludicrous. Natural hair is beautiful, more versatile, and manageable with patience, at least in my opinion but I could go on about that topic forever. I really wanted to share a few hairstyles on natural hair that I've done lately...
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Holiday Natural Hair Wishlist
On Thursday, Essence.com posted their annual "Natural Hair Bloggers' Holiday Gift Guide" [HERE], and I was quite impressed with their selections!
With over 25 different bloggers offering recommendations there were items ranging from Books to Jewelry to Products and other Handmade creations. I scrolled through all the items and here are a few items that caught my eye...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Countdown to My Locs!
In a little over two weeks I'll be back in the Loc'd Family!! *BIG SMILE* I've decided to start my locs on December 12th (12/12/12)...kinda of cliché, lol, but since I started my Sisterlocks on 10/10/10 I figured it was only right....
If you follow me on any social media account, you know I'm itching to start my locs...so much so that it's almost a daily routine for me to put in a twist or two of how I anticipate my locs to look.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Havana Twists on HGKWW
Last night Jess of HairGetsKinky.com and I did a live tutorial on how to put in Havana/Marley Twists.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
[Event] Live Havana Twist Tutorial Tonight!
Join me and Natural Hair Blogger, HGKWW, for a live demonstration of how to install Havana Twists. We will be going live on Ustream at 8PM and answering your questions and chatting!
Friday, November 16, 2012
[Product Review] CURLS "Cashmere Curl Jelly" & "Leave-In Conditioner"
In review are the CURLS Leave-In Conditioner and the Cashmere Curl Jelly. After using both these products for a solid 2 weeks I can personally share how wonderful these products are!
Disclaimer: These products were sent to me by the lovely ladies at CURLS, but my review is 100% my opinion from my experience.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
[Event] Fall In Love with your Natural Hair & Brunch with Jane Carter
This Sunday, join Jane Carter, CEO & Founder of Jane Carters Solutions, and licensed Cosmetologist Camille Reed for a brunch in DC!Jane Carter and her team will be discussing the Jane Carter Solution line, as well as answering any questions regarding natural hair care. This event will be full of food, drinks, gift bags, giveaways, and more!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Hair of the Day | Curly Red Head
Guess what?! ...I colored my hair last night! *Big Smile* I'm in LOVE with the way the color came out !
Click to Watch Check out my Hair of the Day video to a "live" look at the color and also how I got these super defined coils... |
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Hair Diary: Curly Wash-N-Go
So this morning, I decided to try something a little different with my Wash-N-Go regimen...
Lately, I've been using the CURLS line of Leave-In Conditioner and Curl Definier, but today I choose to use a new shampoo and leave-in/hair lotion.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
DISCUSSION | Starting My Locs With Backcombing?
This is my first video, sort of an introduction, to my new journey to Traditional Locs. While searching through YouTube for Loc inspiration and doing some research for my own journey I stumbled upon two great channels; Shawnta715 and PrettiPoison27.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Creating a Stronger Sisterlock Base
By now, I'm sure you've seen the two Sisterlocks hanging on the side of my head... I kept them after my Big Chop because they looked cool with the Loc Wraps and I didn't want to cut them. To keep them blended with my TWA, started using them as my "natural headband" to pull my hair back off my face.
In order to create the "headband", I have to tie the Sisterlocks together in the front and push them back. This does create some tension at the base and after a week of wearing them like this, I felt like the Sisterlock on the right was weak.
Right Sisterlock |
First Blow Dry after the Big Chop
Wow! I can't believe its only been a week with my TWA...it seems like I've had this little bush for so long, lol. Within this past week, I've done so many things with my hair that I haven't been able to do to in over 2 years; the first of which is blow-drying my hair straight.
Monday, November 5, 2012
[EVENT] Curlucopia: A Harvest for Curls
The Thanksgiving Holiday is quickly approaching and what better way to celebrate the holiday than to have a soireé full of giveaways, makeup advice, gift bags, free hairstyles, winterizing hair care tips, good food & laughs?!
Join Jess of HairGetsKinky.com, Crystal of KinkyHairAffair, and myself as we host the Thanksgiving party in DC with the "Curlucopia: A Harvest for Curls" event!
Monday, October 29, 2012
My Sisterlocks Big Chop Experience
I did the Big Chop on my Sisterlocks the other night and I feel SO happy!!! I wasn't expecting it to be so soon, I don't think anyone was, but I just had to…
I was ready. Let me tell you how Saturday went…
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Reflecting on my Sisterlocks Journey
Recently I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my current Sisterlocks journey and different aspects of my life. And after much deliberation, I have decided to..... well, watch the video and see!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Hair Diary: Crown Roll
I was attempting to create a dutch crown braid with my Sisterlocks and it just was not working out… *sad face*. My Sisterlocks were too thick to braid around my head and connect them to recreate the look so I improvised!
Instead of braiding my hair, I just rolled all my Sisterlocks around my head and secured them with, can you believe it, 3 bobby pins!
Instead of braiding my hair, I just rolled all my Sisterlocks around my head and secured them with, can you believe it, 3 bobby pins!
I really liked the style and even wore it to the Salon the next morning. People were really intrigued by the style and were curious how I got it to stay, I just said "tuck & roll, tuck & roll", LOL!
[EVENT] First College Tuesday
Yeah, N Natural Hair Studio is on a roll this month! This Tuesday, N Natural Hair Studio will be having their First College Tuesday!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
My DIY Sisterlocks Retightening Experience
So I had my last retightening a few weeks ago and before this retightening I had the sudden urge to try to retighten my hair myself. Keep in mind I hadn't had my hair retightened in almost 8 weeks, 2 weeks over my norm, and there was definitely a mini afro situation going on in my head. The short version of the story, I took one Sisterlock from the front and did the pattern I thought was best for my hair. After only 2-3 minutes I saw scalp, yay! It definitely wasn't as bad as I though it'd be.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
[Tutorial] Flat Twist & Double Barrel Locs Style
We've moved to CurlyNuGrowth.com!
Check out this post on the new website, "Flat Twist & Double Barrel Locs Style".
Check out this post on the new website, "Flat Twist & Double Barrel Locs Style".
Monday, October 15, 2012
[EVENT] FREE Big Chop Event
Happy Monday, ya'll! I wanted to share with you an awesome event happening in the DMV area this Thursday at N Natural Hair Studio!
If you or anyone that you know is considering going natural and fully embracing their natural texture, come out to N Natural Hair Studio and get a FREE shampoo, conditioning treatment & big chop!
WHEN: Thursday, October 18, 2012
3PM - 8PM
WHERE: N Natural Hair Studio
11207B Lockwood Dr.
Silver Spring, MD
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Starting Brotherlocks from Traditional Locs?
We've moved to CurlyNuGrowth.com!
Check out the post on the new website, "Starting Brotherlocks from Traditional Locs?".
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Product Review | "Does WEN Really Work"?
So after trying out WEN on my Sisterlocks for the past 2-3 months I have put together a full review of the Cleansing Conditioner and the Re-Moist Intensive Hair Treatment.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Guest Speaker at Howard University for T.A.N.G.L.E.S
Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to be a Guest Speaker at the T.A.N.G.L.E.S. "Natural Hair Journey: Where Do I Go From Here?" event [HERE]. If you've never heard of T.A.N.G.L.E.S., it is a Natural Hair student organization started at Howard University and T.A.N.G.L.E.S. stands for "Transitioners and Naturals, Growing, Learning and Educating Students".
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sisterlocks Vlog #41
I know many of you have seen my hair after I did the first round of grooming, but in this video I want to give you a full view and also explain why I did the intensive grooming session.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Grooming & Cutting My Sisterlocks
As I mentioned in my Starting Over video [HERE], I have a lot of repairs to do on my Sisterlocks. I was very anxious to start the process to see how much length I would be able to retain. So yesterday, I brought a small pair of sheers and started what I'm calling "Phase 1". In this first phase I'm removing the bunched, scraggly, and weak ends of my Sisterlocks.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Starting My Sisterlocks Over?

Those of you that follow me on Instagram or Twitter know that I just finished taking the Sisterlocks Training class and I am now a Sisterlocks Consultant. You probably also saw me mention that I was considering cutting off my Sisterlocks….and starting over.
Friday, September 7, 2012
New Color! A Subtle Purple
I must say, the WEN Conditioning Shampoo has kept my color for the longest time! Literally I've had the same color in for about 8 weeks and its just now starting to fade. Normally, when I was using the Sisterlocks™ Shampoo or the Taliah Waajid Shampoo my color would easily start fading within 2-3 weeks. So after 8 weeks with this color, I decided to try something new.
Before Refreshing Color |
Co-Hosting The Nappturalite Radio Show!

I hope you all tuned into Nappturalite Radio last night because if you did, you would have heard me Co-Hosting the show with Dawn! This was my third appearance on the show and definitely one of my favorites.
Monday, August 27, 2012
"You Can't Make It In Corporate America With Locs"...Supposedly.
It hurts me that in this day and age we, as a people, cannot embrace our own culture. I recently discovered the article in Black Enterprise entitled "Hampton University School of Business Bans Dreadlocks"....and I did the double take, like really?! I personally know several people that went to Hampton and a few of them actually have locs and graduated and landed great jobs, so why is it that the Dean insists "Male students enrolled in the school's 5-year MBA program who take the seminar class cannot wear dreadlocks or cornrows in class"?!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
[Tutorial] How to Put Cowrie Shells in Your Hair
I have gotten so many questions about how I add accessories to my Sisterlocks, so I decided to make a quick tutorial to show you how I do it. You can use this method on Sisterlocks Traditional Locs, Two-Strand Twists or Braids.
If you don't know where to get Cowrie Shells, the Ankh Cowrie Shell is available in the SHOP [HERE].
[Product Review] My Tropical Roots Firm Locking Gel
The new My Tropical Roots line was sent to me to review on Traditional Locs and I have used it a few times over the past few months on TB's hair to retwist his locs. This particular review is for the "Firm Locking Gel".
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Hair Diary: Side Swoop & Braid Outs!
In the beginning of this month, I styled my hair in a Lochawk for the 2nd Annual DMV Natural Hair Meetup.
I loved this style and even planned to keep it in for a few weeks, but needless to say I took it out within a few days, LOL. If you're curious about why I took it down, check out the Sisterlocks Vlog #39 update [HERE].
So in the process of taking out the Lochawk, I stumbled upon another style...The Side Swoop... which I LOVE!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
[Recap] Natural Connection Meetup By Zarah Charm
This past weekend I was in Baltimore for The Natural Connection Meetup hosted by Natural Hair Stylist Zarah Charm.
The meetup was held at Na'klectic Salon and as soon as I walked it I felt welcomed. There were refreshments, door prizes, swag bags, friendly people and an overall great atmosphere...not to mention fly natural hair styles!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Lochawk Style, Grooming & Giveaway!
New Sisterlocks Vlog is posted with details about my Lochawk style, my scissor happy moment and the GIVEAWAY I'm hosting now on Instagram!
Be sure to check it out on Youtube (CurlyNuGrowth) and see the pictures at the end of the video. I am so surprised at how much my hair has grown and thickened up!
Monday, August 6, 2012
[Recap] 2nd Annual DMV Natural Hair Meetup
This year's 2nd Annual DMV Meetup hosted by The Mane Definition
was AMAZING and even better than last year's! Over 80 beautiful women (and a few men) came to Busboys & Poets in DC to meet new friends, learn & share natural hair tips, and enjoy great (healthy) food!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
[Recap] Return of the Curls: Taming the Beast
This past week in Richmond, VA one of the best Natural Hair events that I've ever been to took place, Return of the Curls: Taming the Beast! I say this was one of the best events because there was constantly something to do or learn, whether it was attending a workshop, watching live demonstrations, or meeting vendors & retail owners the day was fun and exciting!
Bloggers from the Curly Girl Blogger Panel & Host Keenya Kelly. |
My Perfectly Imperfect Sisterlocks
My Sisterlocks are far from perfect in the sense of uniformity, but they're perfect for my personality. I don't intentionally try to be different, it just seems to happen that way and that it pretty much how my Sisterlocks are growing.
Right now, at 21 months into my journey, I think I have almost every phase in my head, from loose and no where near budding to solid bud and loc. So in case you thought my Sisterlocks were "perfect" or all loc'ing and budding at the same pace, let me give you a closer view...
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Instagram Has Gone Natural!
Today Essence Magazine posted a photo gallery of the "100 Naturalistas to Follow on Instagram; and the article is full of amazing hair pictures & beautiful women!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
[Event] Return of the Curls & Ticket Giveaway
There are countless sponsors for the event so you know you'll be able to get almost any product you've ever heard about! There was also be a several workshops, demonstrations, and presentations from your favorite Bloggers/Vloggers, including yours truly!
Here are just some of the events that are planned for the event:
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Awkward Phase of My Sisterlocks Journey
You know that period of time in your journey where your hair is either too new to be cooperative or you just don't know what to do with it; that's the "awkward phase". When I had my TWA, the awkward phase was...eh...but I made it through. Now on my Sisterlock journey and having thought I'd been through that phase already and I don't have to worry about it, I find myself there now.
I literally just realized this morning that I am actively going through the awkward phase. I know this because I read a post on IG about how afraid people are to start their loc journey because of that awkward phase, and a fellow loc rocker said that was the best stage. She summed up that phase as the time you find yourself and your inner beauty.
Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Don't get me wrong, I love my Sisterlocks and I absolutely love myself, but I notice I don't take even half as many self portraits as I did with my 'Fro or the beginning of my Sisterlock journey. Well, I do take the pictures but im just like "Eww, my hair looks weird in this picture" or "I wish my hair was in an updo this picture would look better". So after reading her comment on IG, I realized that I have been in denial about the awkward phase of my journey and I need to look inward more.
I truly enjoyed the awkward phase of my loose natural journey; and you can ask any of my friends and family, during that phase I found my passion in natural hair care and purpose to encourage women to accept their natural beauty. This makes me realize that I need to do more soul searching and find inspiration from within.
I literally just realized this morning that I am actively going through the awkward phase. I know this because I read a post on IG about how afraid people are to start their loc journey because of that awkward phase, and a fellow loc rocker said that was the best stage. She summed up that phase as the time you find yourself and your inner beauty.
Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Don't get me wrong, I love my Sisterlocks and I absolutely love myself, but I notice I don't take even half as many self portraits as I did with my 'Fro or the beginning of my Sisterlock journey. Well, I do take the pictures but im just like "Eww, my hair looks weird in this picture" or "I wish my hair was in an updo this picture would look better". So after reading her comment on IG, I realized that I have been in denial about the awkward phase of my journey and I need to look inward more.
I truly enjoyed the awkward phase of my loose natural journey; and you can ask any of my friends and family, during that phase I found my passion in natural hair care and purpose to encourage women to accept their natural beauty. This makes me realize that I need to do more soul searching and find inspiration from within.
Monday, July 16, 2012
How Often Should I Shampoo / Co-Wash My Hair?
This is a question newly naturals have and even people that have been natural for months still ponder. First, let me say that washing your hair is good for hair growth. If your goal is to grow long hair, then doing frequent shampoos will help stimulate your scalp and increase blood flow to your hair follicles, which will result in hair growth. However, if you are using products with unfavorable ingredients you could be doing more harm than good with an increased frequency.
Using shampoos with sulfates, cones, or any other drying ingredients can stunt hair growth, cause breakage or split ends, and/or dry out your hair.
During my hair journey, these are my regimens for each stage:
During the TWA stage, you have the most freedom to shampoo your hair. Most naturals at this stage do "Wash-N-Go"s all the time because they're quick and easy. Basically a Wash-N-Go, is when you shampoo and/or co-wash you hair, put in a Leave-In conditioner and a sealant and go on about your day. Because of the frequency of Wash-N-Gos you're typically washing your hair 3-5 days a week. This is entirely okay, as long as your shampoo and/or conditioner are moisturizing. My favorite shampoo was the OyinHandmade Honey Wash!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
WEN & Huetiful Hair Steamer on Sisterlocks
I ordered the WEN Hair Care System about a week ago because I'd heard great things about how it does not fade hair color, it gently cleanses the hair, and it hydrates the hair really well. Lately, my Sisterlocks have been pretty dry, so I decided I'd give it a try. I received the entire WEN Hair Care System, including the Cleansing Conditioner, Re-Moist Intensive Hair Treatment, Texture Balm, and Styling Cremé in the Sweet Almond Mint scent.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
[Event] 2nd Annual DMV Natural Hair Meetup
When: Saturday, August 4th
5PM - 7PM
Where: Busboys & Poets @ 5th & K
1025 5th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tickets: $5
To purchase a ticket, visit DMVNaturalHairMeetup.eventbrite.com!
5PM - 7PM
Where: Busboys & Poets @ 5th & K
1025 5th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tickets: $5
To purchase a ticket, visit DMVNaturalHairMeetup.eventbrite.com!
Monday, July 9, 2012
[Recap] Happy Nappy Day
Despite the rain and cloudy day, I did get a chance to make it to Nappy Nappy Day in Baltimore, MD. I think the rain scared a lot of people away or maybe I was just late because there was just a light crowd amongst a sea of products and accessories.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
[Event] Happy Nappy Day
I love Happy Nappy Day, it was one of the first natural hair events I ever attended! If you're in the DC / Baltimore area, you definitely want to attend this event! There is good food, amazing vendors, and great people to meet!
I hope to see you there! And if you ever like a pair of my earrings, this event is where I found most of them!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
[Tutorial] Pin Curls Hairstyle!
This style is really simple to achieve and will result is a head full of loose curls after you take it down. Another great 2 in 1 style! This style is also great for new Sisterlocks because it does not pull on the hair or cause slippage.
If you give it a try, post pictures on the CurlyNuGrowth Wall [HERE]!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Beauty Behind "A Beautiful Disaster"
I sincerely hope that you've had the opportunity to see the poem, "A Beautiful Disaster"; if not, before you read any further, go take a look at it in a previous post [HERE]. The poem resonated with me on so many levels that I had to share it, but I also took notice to the criticisms and reactions, both positive and negative, that the video conjured. This led me to reach out to, Kayla, the beautiful mind behind the poem and understand things from her point of view....
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Snip, Snip! A Little Trim
This past weekend, TB let me trim a few of his locs where there was ingrown lint that we couldn't get out. And as you can see, there is a Sisterlock in there.... See what had happened was....
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
"Why I Embrace Natural Hair and Reject Weave"
I thought this was a beautiful poem about the mentality of our current society and natural hair.
What are your thoughts on the poem?
Geisha Bun, Finally!
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