We've moved to CurlyNuGrowth.com!
We've moved to CurlyNuGrowth.com!
CurlyNuGrowth will be hosting a meetup in the DC, Maryland, Northern Virginia area for Naturals @ Busboys & Poets!
When: Sunday, July 31, 2011
Where: Busboys & Poets @ 5th & K, 1025 5th Street NW Washington, DC
To RSVP & get more information about the upcoming meetup, visit the NuGrowth Meetup Page [HERE]. I look forward to meeting those of you in the DMV area! Make sure you spread the word!
**The start time for the meetup has been pushed back to 5pm – 7pm, instead of 2pm – 4pm, in order to accommodate the number of attendees that have RSVP’d! Nice! B-)