Sunday, August 1, 2010

Moisturizing Deep Conditioner Recipe

We've moved to!

Check out the post on the new website, "Moisturizing Deep Conditioner Recipe". 


  1. thanks for posting. was desperately looking for a deep condish recipe and I am so amazed by the ingredients you used. usually, i can't even go half-way through a recipe because I dont have or can't find most of the ingredients. yours look pretty convenient. will try it and let you know how it worked.

  2. I just want to start this comment of by saying first that I love your site. Its very inviting and makes me want to stay and learn more about what you to say. I 've mixed conditoners before and loved it, but I never thought of it how you mixed it. I going to try your method to see if it works for me and my daughter and do a product review on my blog. I will post it sunday.

  3. If you don't use all of the conditioner, can you keep it refrigerated or do you have to throw it out?

    1. I would advise throwing the conditioner out. An avocado will only last up to 5 days after ripening and being opened. So unless you're going to use it within 5 days, you would be better off making it again for the next use.

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