Friday, February 1, 2013

Setting Hair Goals for 2013

Its about that time of the year again... Time to set goals and continue to better your hair & yourself! Last year I set some pretty purposeful and "restricting" goals [HERE], which I definitely had a hard time keeping up with, but this year I am going to do the complete opposite and set more open goals.

So for 2013 I plan to....
  1. Try different styles. So often we get lazy and stick with the same routine all the time and while that might work for many people, I want to step outside my comfort zone and try different things. I am not saying everyday that'll I have a new hairstyle, headwrap, or color but I at least want to make it a point to be adventurous. 

  2. Keep my hands out of my hair. This has definitely gotten more under control since I started my new set of locs but I still find myself twirling my hair or caressing my locs (lol!). I don't know exactly how I am going to achieve this but its on my to-do list....

  3. Stick to a routine. I personally have a lot going on and I often find myself so engaged on one tasks that I forget to do something or lose track of time. I don't want to end up overtwisting my hair or letting my locs freeform into a matted ball, so the balance will be sticking to a schedule. Right now, I retwist & shampoo my locs every two weeks and my goal is to stick to that routine or adjust it accordingly but always have some form of consistency.

  4. Not to become a product junkie. When I had Sisterlocks, I wasn't suppose to use any other products but the Sisterlocks™products and if you've been following my journey, you know I didn't listen. Now that I have Traditional Locs and can use more products, I find myself falling into my loose natural hair tendencies of buying every new product I see. So to help me with this goal, I created "Wishlist Wednesday" [HERE] where I share products that I've discovered and will slowly purchase them off my wishlist, instead of impulsively buying products. 
These are just my hair goals for 2013, I will be setting my personal goals as well on my personal blog,, make sure to head over, subscribe, and stay tuned! And to reiterate from last year, "I highly encourage you to outline a few goals for your journey because it will help to guide your product search, help track your growth, and allow you to reach out to people with similar goals!"

So, what are you hair goals for 2013?


  1. Didn't realise u have a blog.. Great post.. Following xx

    1. Yay!! Thanks for following and checking out the blog! Hope you stop by again! xo


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